Location: Missouri, United States

(1960- ) American writer, humorist, and biblical scholar.

Monday, August 14, 2006


A few weeks ago, the senate debated the stem cell bill that was ultimately vetoed by President Bush. Senator Sam Brownback, a man with rumored presidential aspirations, was one of the primary opponents:

"(USA Today) Senate to address stem cell bills:
The Senate could debate as early as next week a three-bill package that includes a measure to expand federal funding for stem cell research using human embryos. President Bush has threatened to veto the funding measure, which passed the House of Representatives in May 2005. Sens. Tom Coburn, R-Okla., Sam Brownback, R-Kan., and other opponents say it is wrong to destroy human life for any reason, whether it is an embryo for stem cell research or a fetus in an abortion. They say that alternative research on adult stem cells is more ethical and that cloning embryos to harvest stem cells should be banned because it is immoral.”

Lawrence Journal World Congressional Briefing July 11, 2006

In response, the author of The Tempest took an old email that has been used to point out the hypocritical use of the Old Testament by the so-called Christian right and addressed it to Senator Brownback as well as posted it on his blog. He made no claim the work was his own and in fact, those of us who are familiar with this debate easily recognized it for what it was.

Enter Mr. Grey – the author of another blog – Grey Thoughts: Christian Views on Current News-Australian style. He proceeded to accuse The Tempest of plagiarism for posting the email. Now why this particular posting of the email was so upsetting to Mr. Grey – we do not yet know – however, what followed was an epic blog thumping of biblical proportions.



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